
Friday 8 August 2014

Friends & Their Babies

This afternoon Romy & I went to our friends house for an afternoon back yard mini picnic. My good friend Ali has a little boy, Xander, that is just four months younger than Romy. Ali & I met about eight years ago when we were both studying and new to Newcastle. I can remember us having hypothetical conversations about what we would be like and do together when we had children, and now that phase in our lives is here and is happening now. 

It is so sweet to not only watch these two grow as individuals, but to see their little friendship blossom. Xander has such a soft and sweet soul and he is very patient with how rough Romy can be at times (cough most times), she always seems to be hugging him too hard, or taking up too much of his side of the keyboard.

In the span of these sweet little babies lives we have never been able to get a nice photo of the four of us, and as trying as that can be I kind of like this one, it really sums up most of our play dates together and shows what it's really like to try and take pictures with babies. They like being photographed together and on their own it seems, but not with their mothers, and definitely not on cue!

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